CDCB and iYOTAH to Revamp Data Ingestion Platform

CDCB has engaged iYOTAH Solutions, an innovative software company, to renovate the data ingestion system that drives U.S. dairy genetic evaluations and national performance metrics.

The data ingestion system is the backbone of U.S. dairy genetic evaluations, bringing data into the CDCB National Cooperator Database from more than 70 diverse partners including breed associations, dairy records processing centers, Dairy Herd Information (DHI) field services, laboratories, genomic collaborators and international cooperators. In 2022, the CDCB database integrated more than one million genotypes and 38 million phenotypic (performance) records from dairy animals – with a robust quality assurance program applied for data integrity.

“As the backbone of U.S. genetic evaluations, it is imperative that our data ingestion system is modernized,” said João Dürr, CEO of CDCB. “Our existing system, with roots back to the 1970’s, has evolved and served the industry well. It is time to invest in a new system with increased capabilities to better serve dairy farm and industry needs for 2025 and beyond.”

The new platform is being designed to enhance functionality and more efficiently manage different types of data from current and emerging data sources. Improvements will include larger storage, better data accessibility, increased responsiveness, enhanced capabilities such as Application Program Interface (API), improved user feedback at time of data exchange, and direct interaction for data partners with CDCB’s national cooperator database.

After comprehensive discovery, active development work has just begun. The new platform is expected to launch in 2025, given the robust functional needs and tremendous volume of data from various sources. As development progresses, CDCB and iYOTAH are committed to engaging with data providers and other collaborators around the functional needs, progress and timeline.

“Working together to modernize the CDCB platform is an exciting opportunity for iYOTAH. As a company focused on driving value, through the effective use of data, we are delighted to collaborate with a such a respected company in the dairy industry,” said Kari Spaan, Co-Founder and CEO of iYOTAH Solutions. “Multiple positive outcomes are sure to be delivered through our collaboration, but there is one clear goal – to deliver a platform that supports and empowers continuous improvement and sustainability progress throughout dairy herds worldwide.”

iYOTAH was selected to partner in this work, due to their demonstrated expertise in herd-focused technology and state-of-the-art software solutions for data connectivity and exchange. iYOTAH has partnered with several organizations across the animal protein industry, including work on a soon-to-be-launched herd portal for National Dairy Herd Information Association.

"We appreciate the iYOTAH team and their cutting-edge thinking and deep understanding of dairy data environments and exchange challenges. Their ability to reimagine and redesign the way CDCB receives and processes data from a diversity of sources will bring considerable benefit for our data providers and dairy farmers worldwide." says Dürr.

This project is aligned with CDCB’s overarching strategy to modernize the data systems that are critical for U.S. dairy to continue as the premier provider of dairy genetic information services. In 2022, CDCB launched a new website, along with WebConnect, the modernized platform that provides CDCB results to dairy producers and collaborators worldwide.
