nTELL Insights

Full Scope on reproduction

Unique Views to Support Profitability 

Today's technological advancements have allowed for more precise management of cows on farms and greater data availability. The vast amount of data collection that occurs on farms, from parlor data to wearable technology, coupled with capable managers, allows for more precise management decisions. A key part of cow management on dairies lies within reproductive success. Specifically, timely pregnancies have a positive impact on the sustainability and profitability of the whole dairy -  as well as the individual cow. For example, an open cow will cost you $3-5 more per extra day open, than a cow that gets bred back on her first service before 100 DIM. 


When considering dollars and cents, the ability to see the scope of a herd’s reproductive performance is key. Active analysis and data engagement using nTELL keeps what should be important for the dairy team front and center.  nTELL provides unique views of reproduction to gather a comprehensive picture of the current herd status. For example, this pie chart shows a herd breakdown with ideal proportions of reproduction stages.

Herd Demo KPA -> Adult Inventory KPI -> Adult Cows by Repro Stage

To further understand one's farm, visualizing reproduction status by lactation shows the progression of genetics in a short span and points out potential backwards trends. Specifically, looking to verify that there is a higher number of first lactations pregnant in comparison to later lactations is useful. A pregnant cow will calve in sooner, capitalizing on greater milk production in later lactations, thus contributing to the bottom dollar for the business.

Herd Demo KPA -> Adult Inventory KPI -> Adult Cows by Repro Stage


How are you using nTELL to track and analyze your herd’s reproduction performance?
